Monday, November 19, 2012

digimon world 4

Game Zone - Lagi ada waktu kosong di kelas sambil upload game yang request di halaman request akhir'a bisa juga buat d share...hehe.Dulu juga pernah share game digimon " Digimon Word 3 ".nah sekarang ane bakal share " Digimon World 4 " versi Gamecube ( versi ps 2 nya bayar semua..haha ).nah bagi kalian yang pingin download silahkan deh " tapi jangan lupa comment ya......

age empires 3

Game Zone -  Mungkin Sudah banyak game yang saya share game tapi x ini saya akan share game yang pertama x saya maikan di komputer.dulu saya sering bermain game ini dari pagi hingga sore sampe" di omelin orang tua gara" gag makan-makan..hahaha tapi sekarang saya akan share age empires versi ke 3.jadi buat yang ingin memaikan'a tinggal download saja......

anime studio 7

Zona Game - Wah Sofware ini bakal saya share cuma-cuma buat kalian karena sofware ini di web asli'a berbayar sekitar $199.99 ( mahal gila klo harus beli ) .Mahal gila kan nah nih sofware bernama " Smith Micro Anime Studiopro7 " .sofware ini berfungsi untuk membuat animasi berbasis flash untuk pemula ets jangan sangka walau untuk pemula sofware ini sanggat keren loh gag kalah sama " Adobe Flash "....

animal for kids

Game Zone - Belajar sambil bermain untuk anak" adalah hal bagus karena sambil bermain anak" juga dapat belajar ,sofware yang saya kasih ini sangat berguna buat anak,sepupu atau ade anda untuk belajar b.inggris ( Udah ngerasain ane klo inggris tau no ye no yes doank..haha ) ....

ace translator

Game Zone - Wah Sering gag d kasih tugas b.inggris oleh guru unutk membuat cerita atau yang laen bagi murid seperti saya ( b.inggris tau no yes no yes doank..wkwk ) paling ol d warnet untuk buka google translet untuk translet indo-inggris...nah sekarang mah gag usah cape" k warnet atau butuh jaringan internet sekarang ada sofware yang sangat berguna untuk menterjemakan bahasa lebih dari 61 bahasa nama software ini "Ace Translator Full With Serial "...

gear fighter denoh

Game Zone - Wah Di komplen sama salah satu pellanggan di blog ini yang mengirim e mail karena saya udah jarang game lagi malah sofware,sorrry lah nama'a juga admin cuma 1 jadi agak repot" hehehe..tapi tenang sekarang saya bakal share game yang bagus banget untuk mengenang kita masa kecil,yups game ps yang bernama "  Gear Fighter Denoh " wah game yang menurut saya sangat seru hampir seperti gundam ,klo yang lupa saya kasih liat SS'a....

z gundam

Game Zone - Game PS One yang menurut saya langka , karena game ini sering kali saya mau download tapi berbayar tapi untung sedikit attack ke web tersebut dapet juga game ini secara cuma-cuma...:ngakak . Nah game ini yaitu " Gundam Z " , game ini terdiri dari 2 cd dan juga lumayan berat...

toy story 2

Game Zone - Wah game ini pasti udah pada kenal semua , game yang menurut saya sendiri asik karena banyak misi" yang seru tapi sayang selama punya game ini di ps one saya tidak pernah bisa menamati game ini...huahua...ya game ini " Toy Story ...

bdlot video converter

Game Zone -  Banyak Video Converter yang bertebaran internet ,dan saya akan menshare salah satu converter yang menurut saya lengakapt karena memiliki beberapa fungsi yang membuat kita orang awam bis...


Game Zone - Halo Bloger ,sehat" saja kan. Sekarang saya akan share game yang di request di salah satu Halaman Request yaitu " Yu-Gi-Oh! - Forbidden Memories. " .game ps 1 mempunyai alur cerita yang menurut saya gamer cukup bagus karena walau hanya bermain kartu saya merasa tidak bosan.klo ingin bernostalgia silahkan download saja . . ....

rune vactory 3

Game Zone - Assamulaikum bro,sekarang saya bakal share harvesmoon lagi nih setelah mengeluarkan  banyak versi harvesmoon di blog ini seperti , Harvest Moon : Back To Nature Gratis , Harvesmoon Save The Homeland , RUNE FACTORY 2 - A FANTASY HARVEST MOON , Nah Sekarang Saya Bakal share " RUNE FACTORY 3 -A FANTASY HARVES MOON " game yang saya ambil dari blog temen saya yaitu abang " RyÅ« N. Aozora "  ( thanks sudah membolehkan share :D ...


Game Zone - Bakal Share Game yang jadul nih,walau PES sudah mengeluarkan Versi " PES 2011 " tapi masih ada yang merequest 'a maka'a saya share.Game yang menurut saya Grafik'a hampir sama seperti " WE9 " walau PES 2006 lebih baik sedikit.Klo penasaran untuk main PES keluaran pertama ini silahkan Download ...

GTA vice city

Game Zone - GTA Vice City merupakan versi dari GTA.Ada beberapa Versi dari GTA seperti yang sanggat terkenal " GTA SAN Andreas " .Game  yang bergendre perang antar genk ini mempang tenar di kalangan para gamers karena melakaukan suatu yang baru seperti gunting rambut,diskotik,pesan pizza,dl...

one piece

Game Zone - Wah ada yang request game " One Piece Grand Battle " di halaman request maka'a saya share .game yang berformat iso ini menurut saya sendiri game yang cukup enteng walau size'a besar,game ini tidak terlalu membutuhkan grafik yang bagus" bgt .jadi buat kalian yang mau download silahkan saja deh .. ...

captain tsubasa

Game Zone - Captain Tsubasa J: Get In The Tomorrow (キャプテン翼J Get In The Tomorrow?) is a soccer video game released in March 03, 1995 by Bandai for the PlayStation. The game has two modes: friendly matches, and the other in which the player follows the story of the actual anim...

crash bandicoot

Game Zone - Crash Bandicoot is a game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the Sony PlayStation in 1996. Crash is a marsupial that dievolusi by Doctor Neo Cortex and his right hand, Doctor nitrous Brio. This story was followed by efforts to stop the plan of world domination Crash Cortex, clean up pollution resulting from them and save his girlfriend, Tawna, which also evolve...

brigandine legend of forsena

Zona Game - Wag udah lama gag share lagi karena modem rusak..hehe .setelah melihat di halaman Request rupa'a ada yang request game " Game Brigandine : Legend of Forsena " maka'a saya share game yang mirip seperti Final Fantasy ini bergendre perang.jadi buat kalian yang ingin memaikan'a silahkan Download saja ...


Zona Game - Alhamdulilah sesuatu ( :D ) saya bisa share tentang "  Emulator PSP " sebener'a saya juga tidak tau banyak tentang Emulator ini karena saya juga tidak pernah bermain PSP ( gag ada rental psp si :p ) jadi saya tidak terlalu banyak berkomentar jika kalian ingin menggunakan emulator ini silahkan download saja.. ...

GTA san andreas

Game Zone -  Wah Udah cukup lama gag share" nih gara-gara sibuk sekolah.ada yang request game ini yaitu game " GTA SAN ANDREAS " maka'a saya share.mungkin buat para gamers game ini sudah cukup familiar game yang menurut saya cocok d maeinkan +17 k atas karena banyak kekerasa...

digimon world 2

Game Zone - Akira lives in Digital City, a town located in fictional "Directory Continent", a land where digimon used to live peacefully. However, wild Digimon began attacking Akira's hometown, and Akira joins a guard team that is charged with protection peace and security of the region. At the start of the game, Akira finishes his last Training Mission and joins one of the Guard Teams (the player has the option of choosing between the Black Sword Team, the Gold Hawks team, or the Blue Falcon team). He receives missions from the Team Leader, which involve entering Domains and hunting down evil Digimo...

digimon world 1

Game Zone - Wah insomia d tengah malem mending saya share game ps 1 aja. saya juga pernah share game ini yaitu versi " Digimon World 2" ," Digimon World 3 " Dan " Digimon Work 4 " . Nah sekarang saya bakal share " Digimon World 1 " alias yang versi pertama'a ...nah buat kalian yang ingin bermain game ini silahkan download saja.......

mario bross forever

Game Zone - Nemu Game yang bikin mengingat tahun 1999 pertama x saya bermain game ini di rumah saudara saya . Game yang sampai sekarang ini masih d maeinkan sama ade saya,karena game iini memang cocok buat anak-anak,ya game " Mario Bros Forever "...

camtasia studio 7

Game Zone - Wah udah lama gag update blog gara" sibuk sama sekolah.nah sekarang ane bakal menshare yang d request yaitu sofware edit video full version " Camtasia Studio 7.0 Full Version " . Sofware ini sanggat berguna bila anda ingin membuat tutorial dan sowtfare ini juga di lengkapi dengan edit tool yang mudah kita pahami.ok untuk lebih lanjut'a lagi silahkan download saja.....

omega boost

Game Zone - Ketemu game yang menurut saya bagus karena mengasah kemampuan kita. game yang hampir mirip dengan game " Gundam " saat cocok untuk kita mainkan d saat boring ibarat nostalgia gitu,hahaha. Buat maen game ini kita harus menggunakan Emulator Ps 1 yang sudah pernah saya share...


Game Zone - Karena banyak Sobat yang pusing tentang cara pengunaan Emulator Psx maka kali ini saya akan share Khusus Emulator dan tata cara Pengunaanya ya kali ini saya akan Share 2 Emulator PS1 yaitu ePSXe dan pSX Emulator ,Ya kedua Emulator ini mempunyai Kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing , karena sobat Game Zone kebingungan dengan Emulator , maka akan saya jelaskan satu per satu cara nya&nbs...

guitar hero

Game Zone - Game Guitar Hero merupakan game musik yang mengasyikkan untuk dimainkan apalagi menjelang masa liburan ini, seolah-olah kita menjadi gitaris handal, versi Play Stasion 2 terus mengeluarkan seri terbarunya hingga saat ini, bahkan di kembangkan menjadi lagu indonesia, Sama dengan halnya Guitar Hero permainan ini membutuhkan kecepatan jari tangan Anda menekan tombol keyboard, secara default tombol yang dipergunakan adalah Esc, F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 d...

software jahil

Game Zone - assalamualaikum gw dulu cobain ke kawan gw ampe ketakutan dya ampe mau nagis padahal sebelum na waktu gw juga coba , ketika buka tu aplikasi langsung gw cabut cok listrik nya(yang di pc )...

game breath of fire 4

Game Zone -  Halo Blogger ! wah udah lama bgt udah gag pernah share artikel lagi di blog ini gara" tugas sekolah numpuk ( maklum udah mau lulus SMK..hehehe ) .oia sekarang ane bakal share game " Breath Of Fire 4 " sebener'a ane juga belum pernah maen nih game tapi karena ada yang request maka'a ane share .bagi yang belum pernah main dan ingin tau game'a silahkan liat Screen Shot'a...

angry birds seasons

Game Zone -  Wah siapa si yang kenal game fenomenal ini . game yang menurut saya mampu membuat saya kesal karena gagal untuk mejatukan musuh'a tapi dari situlah keseruan game ini yang berawal dari OS androit . ya game ini bernama " Angry Bird Season Full Version " .Mungkin bagi kalian yang ingin memainkan game ini silahkan download...

angry birds rio

Game Zone -  Wah post artikel tentang burung yang fenomenal lagi nih.dulu juga saya pernah share " Angry Bird Season Full Version " nah sekarang saya bakal share " Angry Bird Rio Full Version " . Nah menurut saya yang versi rio ini lebih gampang di banding versi season et tapi jangan salah walau agak lebih gampang game ini juga mampu membuat kita pusing karena gagal dalam menembak sasaran .nah penasaran kan pengen maen mending liat Screen Shoot...


Game Zone - MiniLyric adalah software untuk menampilkan lirik lagu secara otomatis. Anda dapat memilih Skin yang anda suka. Aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis dijalankan ketika anda menjalankan multimedia player seperti winamp, windows media player, dl...


Game Zone - Wah udah lama bgt update blog ini ( lagi sibuk ngurus UKOM dan UN sebentar lagi .hehe ) .nah ane sekarang ane bakal kasih software yang menurut ane keren ! mengapa keren ? karena dengan software ini " smadav " kita menjadi pro tanpa mengeluarkan uang sama sekali...

PES 2010

Game Zone - Hay teman sekarnag game zone akan menshare game bola lagi yaitu " PES 2010 " dulu juga saya sempat menshare " PES 2011 FULL VERSION " dan " PES 2006 " . jadi buat kalian yangi ngin download download aja cuma 10 mb kurang..tapi setelah d ekstrack sekitar 3gb..pensaran kan silahkan download saja..oia tolong klik iklannya yah biar semangat update ...

fatal frame 3

Game Zone -Fatal Frame 3 pcsx2, Fatal Frame III, known in Japan as Zero: Shisei no Koe (???????) and in Europe as Project Zero III: The Tormented, is the third installment in the Fatal Frame video game series. The game’s plot ties the first three games in the series together, featuring characters, locations, and sections of storyline from the previous two games. The game is a direct sequel of Fatal Frame and Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly, seeing the return of Miku Hinasaki, the heroine of Fatal Frame, as well as other characters that share a connection with the events from the preceding games. The player controls the character of...

tom and jerry the game

Game Zone -  Wah lagi jalan-jalan di google nemu game PS 2 yang ade ane sengenin langsung aja ane share deh d sini ya game " Tom And Jerry " game yang menurut ane seru walaupun mainnya hanya gitu" saja tapi tetap saja seru bagi kalian yang ingin download silahkan . Pcnya harus : CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 Running @ 2.93GHzRAM: 2 GB of RAMOS: Windows 7 Ultimate x86GRAPHICS CARD: Nvidia Geforce 9400GT  Download Game Mediafire password : Rar Password :   Download EmulatorMediafire password : Rar Password : www.downloadrider.comDownload SettingMediafire password...

jackie chan stuntmaster

Game Zone - Halo blogger ! di hari sabtu sore ini menjelang malem :D , ane bakal share nih game ps 1 yang menurut ane ente" pasti udah pernah maenin nih game di ps 1 , game " Jackie Chan "  walau grafik'a boleh di bilang jelek tapi tetep saja alur dari game ini yang membuat'a seru mungkin bagi agan yang mau bernostalgia silahkan download saja ..:D Download Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Pass :


Game Zone - Tampilan loginnya kira2 seperti diatas..ini sebenarnya merupakan software Veriface Recognition Dari Lenovo, fungsinya sendiri buat menjadikan login password windows itu wajah kita sendiri(intinya kunci utk login ke windows wajah kita sendiri),Tetapi anda yg tidak memiliki komputer ato Laptop lenovo tak perlu berkecil hati karena software ini dapat diinstall di Komputer ato laptop apapun mereknya asalkan OS yg dipakai Vista/Win7 . Syaratnya ini aja: * Mesti punya webcam * OS yg dipakai (Vista/Win7)(klo pake XP not tested) & harus 32 bit soalnya ni software cuma buat 32 bits Download untuk Vista / Seven 32 bit Download PASS...

spiderman shatered dimentions

Game Zone - Wah kali ini ane bakal share game " Spiderman " siapa si yang gag tau super hero 1 ini...dari bocah sampe yang udah bangkotan juga tau siapa " Spiderman "  . oia bagi kalian ingin mendownload game ini harus ekstra sabar karena file'a cukup besar tapi kalo kalian memang ingin memainkan'a silahkan download saja Screenshots : System requirements: Pentium(R) Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ or better 1 GB of RAM for Windows ® XP / 2 GB Windows ® Vista systems Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) or (Windows Vista® with Service Pack 2) 256 MB 3D hardware accelerator card required -...

internet unlimited gratis

Game Zone - ne trik sebenernya udah ad sejak jaman gak enak, heheh,... coz semuanya udh berubah, smart n fren bikin produk baru yaitu smartfren, trik itu pun uda tinggal cerita laluuuu.. tapi dgn sedikit perombakan dr ane akhirnya trik itu pun bisa jalan lagi.. kita dial dulu modem sob pake kartu smart dan coba aja ke chome or firefox, lalu ketikkan: Code: dan coba liat halaman pencarian google kebuka... jd ada vuln disitu. yuk kita gabungin pake proxy.... ne software yg akn kita butuhkan.. dpt di donlot disini langsung saja! 1. Install program ispce td, trus buka, beri centang pada query mode, dan...

alay generator

Game Zone -  lagi iseng di warnet eh nemu skrip yang menurut ane bikin ngakak klo gag percaya coba deh si javaskrip yang menurut ane bikin ngocok perut..:ngakak !-- function HumanToABG(form){ var abgteks=""; var stemp; var i,j; var acak; var aseli=form.aseli.value; var TabelHuruf="AEGIOSZ"; var TabelAngka="4361052"; var TabelVokal="AIUEO"; if(aseli.length) { if(form.pilihan[0].checked==true) { for(i=0;iaseli.length;i++) { acak = Math.round(2*Math.random()) if(acak) abgteks=abgteks+aseli.charAt(i).toLowerCase(); else abgteks=abgteks+aseli.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); } ...

xparanormal detector

Game Zone - Halo blogger ! ane bakal share nih pendektektor hantu .pertama x liat software ini di google ane gag percaya masa software bisa ngedetek setan .tapi karena ukuran file software ini kecil saya iseng juga untuk mendownload software ini . oke saya instal ini software dan saya coba di rumah memang layar pendektektor ini stabil" saja di sini ane udah bilang " ah software sialan bisa ngeboongin w aja " tapi ane jadi inget klo di belakang rumah ane kan masih sawah ane cepet" dah keluar rumah sambil bawa laptop pertama" si layar pendektektor sia biasa aja tapi makin saya berjalan mendakati swawah layar pendektektor naik turun nah di sini...

hacker ID

Game Zone -Informasi tentang hacker, bagaimana mereka bekerja, dan apa motivasi mereka melakukan hal tersebut memang seringkali kita temui pada beberapa media massa. Hacker – penguji keamanan atas sesuatu hal, mulai dari manusia hingga perangkat lunak, tidak memiliki sisi baik atau buruk. Hacker adalah seperti sebutan untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang lain: pengacara, hakim, dll; namun apabila hacker ini mulai bersifat merusak dan menimbulkan kerugian, beberapa kalangan sepakat menyebut mereka dengan “cracker”. Hacker .ID adalah salah satu game simulasi hacking yang dibuat (ulang) dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan,...

cari admin

Game Zone - Selamat Tahun Baru buat semua'a  .saya sebagai admin di blog ini ingin memberikan sobat kesempatan untuk menjadi admin ke 2 setelah saya .karena dikarena sebentar lagi ada ujian saya sudah tidak sempat mengupdate blog ini maka dari itu saya ingin membuka lowongan sebagai admin . sebagai admin di sini tidak di "Bayar" .tapi ada keuntungan dari iklan sitti kita bagi 2 .dan ente bisa nanem iklan di blog ini.klo ada yang berminat silahkan berkomtar atau kirim e-mail k saya              " " saya cari yang niat saja . dan rajin ol supaya update blog ini...


Game Zone -Halo continues the story of the Master Chief genetically enhanced super soldier who is the only human ever to successfully defy the Covenent, a of alien race races on a murderous march toward earth. To the mysterious leaders of the Covenent,the human victory at ancient ring structure known as Halo was an unacceptable failure. They will not fail again.   /** koplak **/ var sitti_pub_id = "BC0014251"; var sitti_ad_width = "300"; var sitti_ad_height = "250"; var sitti_ad_type = "1"; var sitti_ad_number = "3"; var sitti_ad_name = "koplak"; var sitti_dep_id = "55944"; <p>Your...

PES 2012

Info GameZone - Pro Evolution Soccer makes its return this fall, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012! This year, Konami is determined to give global football fans a truly realistic, immersive and a delightfully playable take on the beautiful game. Creative Producer Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka has been sourcing the desires of fans across the globe and working non-stop on marrying the digital game to the real life game so fans can get as close to the real thing. All elements have been examined – defense, offense, AI, penalties, officiating and of course, graphics! The result is a game truly represents the key attributes of the game and it's...

air conflicts

System requirements:  Os: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7  Cpu: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66GHz  Video: nVidia GeForce GTS 150 / ATI Radeon HD 5670 512MB  Audio: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0  Ram: 2 GB  Hdd: 2,1 GB download file size : 734 Mb PART1 | PART2 pass : yoga bagi yang belum punya akun manyos bisa daftar Di SIN...

spiderman 3

Info Inspired by the Spider-Man film trilogy and the classic Spider-Man comics, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe challenges players to defeat and then join forces with notorious movie nemeses including Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Venom and Sandman, and embark on an epic quest to overcome a worldwide evil threat. Throughout the game’s original story and thrilling battles, fans control Spider-Man and one of numerous Super Hero or Super Villain sidekicks and master unique fighting moves and styles while switching between characters to execute team combos and defeat foes.  System Requirements :  OS: Windows XP/Vista    Processor:...

ghost master

Info: Grim specters, howling banshees, and sly gremlins are yours to command as you unleash ghastly spirits on the town of Gravenville and scare the wits out of its citizens.In the world of the Ghost Master, spooks do your bidding, as you solve puzzles and unlock mysteries in a challenge that combines the best of strategy, adventure, and resource management games. Features  Up to 15 unique, hair-raising adventures with multi-branching scenarios--all within a coherent plot and complete virtual world. Easy-to-play interface--forget the manual!  Spooks-eye view--an innovative 3-D camera lets you view the action from the...


Game Asik bwt di maenin waktu luang nih gan, gamenya lumayan enteng jadi spek kompie rendah masih bisa maen. yang asik udh direct link tinggal sedot pake IDM aj :D OS: Windows® XP SP 3 (32-64 bits) / Windows Vista® (32-64 bits) / Windows 7® (32-64 bits) CPU: (Minimum) Pentium 4 2.0GHz /Athlon XP 2000+ (Recommended) Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0GHz / Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ Memory: (Minimum) 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 1 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7) (Recommended) 2 GB for Windows ® XP, 2 GB for Vista / Windows ® 7 Video Memory: (Minimum) GeForce 8400 GS / Radeon HD 3450 (Recommended) GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB / Radeon X800 XL HDD : 1 GB of...

call of duty black ops 2

Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Treyarchand published by Activision (Square Enix for Japan). It was released on November 13, 2012 for PlayStation 3Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows and on November 18, 2012 in North America, November 30, 2012 in Europe and Australia and December 20, 2012 in Japan[8] for Wii U.[4][5][6] Black Ops II is the ninth game in the Call of Duty franchise of video games and a sequel to the 2010 game Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game was launched at 16,000 stores worldwide at midnight on November 13, 2012 [9].
Black Ops II is the first game in the Call of Duty franchise to feature future warfare technology and the first to present branching storylines driven by player choice. It also offers a 3D display option.[10] A corresponding game, Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified, was released simultaneously on the PlayStation Vita. Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game grossed $500 million, beating 2011's Modern Warfare 3 to become the biggest entertainment launch of all time.[11]




Characters and setting

The single-player campaign features two connected storylines, with one set in the 1970s through 1980s and the other in 2025. The protagonist of Black OpsAlex Masonreturns as the protagonist in the Cold War section, and chronicles rise to infamy of the game's primary antagonist, Raul Menendez,[12] a Nicaraguan narco-terrorist and the leader of "Cordis Die", a populist movement celebrated as the champions of victims ofeconomic inequality.[citation needed]
The 2025 section of the game features Alex Mason's son David as the protagonist during a new Cold War between China and the United States.[13] In this era, war is defined by roboticscyberwarfareunmanned vehicles, and other futuristic technology.[12][14]


In the year 2025, a Special Forces unit led by David Mason arrive at "The Vault", a secret location that is home to the aged Frank Woods, who they believe has information on the whereabouts of Raul Menendez. Woods admits that Menendez had visited him, and gives Mason a locket that Menendez had left behind.
In 1986, Alex Mason has retired from active duty and is living in Alaska with the seven year-old David. Their already-strained relationship is put to the test when Mason is approached by Jason Hudson, seeking to recruit him for a mission in Angola. Woods' unit has been taken captive while aiding rebels in the country's civil war, and their actions have been disavowed by the CIA. Hudson enlists Mason for a covert mission to rescue Woods and any survivors from his unit, with the help of the Jonas Savimbi, the leader of the Angolan forces. They discover Menendez is responsible for Woods' captivity and attempt to confront him, only for Menendez to give away their position to incoming enemy forces, allowing him to flee.
In light of the events in Angola, Mason and Hudson begin tracking Menendez, who has set himself up as one of the primary arms suppliers for conflicts in Africa and Latin America. Locating him in Afghanistan, the CIA authorises a strike against him. At this point, the story begins to explore Menendez's motivations and his vendetta against the West. After he and his sister were accidentally burned in the fire-bombing of a warehouse as part of an insurance scam, the Menendez family turned to drug trafficking and built up power and influence throughout Nicaragua. Their actions did not go unnoticed, and the CIA sanctioned the assassination of his father. Now knowing that Menendez considers the conflict to be personal and that he will not back down, the CIA lean on Panamanian presidentManuel Noriega to support a raid on Menendez's home in Panama. Menendez suffers further tragedy when Woods inadvertently kills his sister during the raid. Menendez himself manages to escape due to secret assistance from Noriega.
Menendez plans to retaliate against those he holds responsible for his sister's death. During the 1989 invasion of Panama, he kidnaps Jason Hudson and David, using them as bait for a trap. He then uses Hudson to mislead Woods, manipulating him into shooting Mason instead of himself. Menendez then executes Hudson and cripples Woods. Unsatisfied with his revenge, Menendez allows Woods and David to live, promising to return to complete his revenge when the time is right.
Three decades later, Menendez re-emerges as the leader of Cordis Die, a massive populist movement with over a billion followers. He stages a cyberattack that cripples the Chinese Stock Exchange; in response, the Chinese ban the export of rare earth elements, fermenting the start of a new Cold War between the Chinese-led Strategic Defense Coalition and the U.S.-led JSOC. Taking advantage of this stand-off, Menendez attempts to bring the two powers to a full-blown war by inciting conflicts between the two, secretly aiding SDC leader Chairman Tian-Zhao, who worked with Mason and Woods during their operation in Afghanistan in 1986. Using the intelligence provided by Woods, David, now a Navy SEAL code-named Section, leads JSOC forces in the renewed search for Menendez.
Shortly after gathering intelligence from Woods, Section and JSOC infiltrates Myanmar investigating a spike in activity in the region. There, Section's team encounters a computer engineer under Menendez's employment, warning them of a cyberattack with a Celerium device, a quantum computer capable of hacking any computer system. Section's team is later deployed in Pakistan, attempting to gather intelligence on Menendez's plots. During the infiltration, Menendez discloses the name of a target, "Karma" in the Cayman Islands. Section and SEAL operatives Harper and Salazar later infiltrate the Cayman Islands, finding out that "Karma" is a woman named Chloe Lynch, a former employee of Menendez's shell corporation, Tacitus. Lynch was the main developer of the Celerium device, and as a means of wrapping up loose ends, Menendez had deployed mercenaries for her abduction.
JSOC later has a lead on Menendez in Yemen, where JSOC asset Farid infiltrates Menendez's cell to help Section facilitate the leader's capture. However, Menendez's capture was a ruse for Menendez to hack into the U.S. military's computer infrastructure on-board the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Obama, seizing control the the United States' entire drone fleet. Salazar is revealed to be Menendez's mole within JSOC, and facilitates Menendez's attack before Section and JSOC forces repel the attack. The aftermath relocates Section toLos Angeles, where he escorts the President of the United States to safety amidst the drone attacks.
JSOC eventually finds the source of the transmissions responsible for the hacking to Haiti, where Section leads JSOC forces into recapturing the facility, and apprehending or killing Menendez. Depending on the actions taken by the player, the final outcome of the game's ending is influenced, such as whether or not the United States and China are able to enter an alliance with each other, as well as determining the fates of certain individuals in the game.
During the main campaign, the player may choose to particpate in optional Strike Missions. The Strike Missions involve JSOC attempting to curb the SDC's global influence by preventing them from forcing neighboring countries into an alliance. Section himself does not participate in these missions directly, though he can command the forces remotely from a command center.


The storyline of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has several endings, depending on which conditions the player fulfils over the course of the game.
If the player spares Menendez's life, completed all four Strike Force Missions, and both Chloe Lynch and Alex Mason survive the events of the game, the player will have secured an alliance between China and the United States, ending the Second Cold War. Chloe's survival prevents Menendez's cyberattack from succeeding, and Mason's survival sees him visit Frank Woods in retirement, reuniting with Section. The final scene shows Menendez in prison, angry at his failed attack.
If Menendez is spared and Chloe survives, but Mason is killed in action, the Second Cold War will end and Menendez's cyberattack will fail, but Section will visit his father's grave with Woods and decides to retire from soldiering; Woods comments that his father would approve of the decision.
If Menendez is spared, Chloe is killed and Mason's fate is unresolved, Section will apprehend Menendez and take him into custody. The cyberattack will succeed, allowing Menendez to escape. He kills Woods in the retirement home before visting his sister's grave, dousing himself in gasoline, and readying a lighter.
If Menendez is killed, Chloe's fate is unresolved and Mason is killed, Section will kill Menendez before visiting his father's grave, but Menendez's followers will riot, leading to an uprising that destroys cities.
If Menendez is killed, Chloe's fate is unresolved and Mason lives, Section will kill Menendez before reuniting with his father at the retirement home, but Menendez's followers will riot, leading to an uprising that destroys cities.


Strike Force missions

Black Ops II is the first Call of Duty video game to feature branching storylines, in which the player's choice affects both the current mission and in turn, the overall course of the story. Known as "Strike Force missions", these branching storylines appear during the 2025 storyline and feature permanent death. The success or failure of these missions can have ramifications for the wider campaign storyline. Choosing one of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a fresh campaign.[14]
Strike Force missions allow the player to control a number of different war assets, such as unmanned aerial vehiclesjet fighters androbots. If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved checkpoint. The player's progress in the Strike Force missions may go on to change even the plans of the story's antagonist, Raul Menendez.[14] By the end of the game, the player may have changed the results of the new Cold War, and the player is shown what could have gone differently.


Treyarch has confirmed that the Zombies mode will return for Black Ops II with its own campaign. Its predecessors were Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops. This is the third time for the Zombies mode to appear in a Call of Duty game, and the first time to have its own campaign along with the main story. Treyarch has also confirmed that Zombies will implement the multiplayer engine, allowing for a deeper community experience along with new game modes. It has also been confirmed that the Zombies mode will support 8 player co-op, unlike Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, which only supported 4 player online co-op. Treyarch announced in August 2012 that Nuketown would be remade as a zombie map for those buying Hardened or Care Package Edition of Black Ops 2. On September 26, 2012, the Zombies reveal trailer was released as well as three new game modes confirmed: Tranzit is a game mode that is a combination of multiple maps in one game and the way to travel around it is to ride on a bus, Survival is the original mode from Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops where you survive as long as possible, and finally the mode Grief which is 4 players vs 4 players vs zombies.


[hide]Minimum System Requirements
Microsoft Windows[15]
Operating systemWindows Vista (Service Pack 2) or Windows 7; (Windows XP not supported)
CPUIntel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHz
Memory2GB for 32-bit OS or 4GB for 64-bit OS
Hard drive space16GB
Graphics hardwareNvidia GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 3870 512 MB
Activision Blizzard CEO Robert Kotick stated on November 8, 2011 that a new Call of Duty game was in development for a 2012 release and will be the newest installment in the franchise.[16] The game was officially confirmed by Activision during its fourth-quarter earnings call on February 9, 2012, and promised that it will feature "meaningful innovation" for the series.[17][18]

Internal leaks

Reports of Black Ops 2 surfaced following a product page for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 appeared on Amazon France before quickly being taken down in February 2012. No information had yet been released by Activision, but Gameblog claimed that Activision demanded it remove its original report too.[19] When it refused to do so, the publisher cut off Gameblog from ad support, review game mailings and future Activision events for refusing to comply.[20] Later Activision denied Gameblog’s claims that it has been cut off.[21] Around the same time, computer game artist Hugo Beyer also listed "Black Ops 2" as his current project in his Linkedin CV, before his LinkedIn page was taken down.[22] Beyer is an artist working for Nerve Software, "a Dallas-based independent developer" which has "helped" with previous Activision games including, Black Ops in 2010.[23] A "Black Ops 2" trademark by Activision was spotted January 2012.[24] Further Black Ops 2 was listed by the France international entertainment retail chain Fnac in March 2012, which touted a predictable November release date.[25]
On April 9, 2012, an image was leaked from a URL on the official Call of Duty website, which leaked the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 logo, as well as a reveal date of April 28, 2012. The URL was later removed.[26] On April 18, 2012, Kotaku received an image from "a retail source", which showed a teaser poster that lacked a game title but had clear nods to Black Ops and a May 2 date that seemingly points to a reveal.[27] On April 27, 2012, an image containing two Target pre-order cards sent by IGN reader Richard confirmed the game's title and release date. The cards clearly display the Call of Duty: Black Ops II logo, and the release date November 13, 2012.[28][29]


Call of Duty: Black Ops II advertisements are shown at Gamescom 2012 in Cologne,Germany
On April 23, 2012, Activision redesigned to announce that the game will be revealed on May 1, 2012 during the NBA playoffs on TNT.[30] The art featured on the site matched up perfectly with the supposed retailer leak received by Kotaku.[31] However, parts of the official website went live hours prior to the announcement, which revealed the title, confirmed the release date for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and the "21st Century Cold War" setting.[32] Activision had hinted that the game may eventually become available for Nintendo's own consoles, although had no official announcements for the time being.[33] As promised by Activision, the preview for the game was revealed in the form of a YouTube trailer that detailed the futuristic setting, the characters carried over from the previous games, and the conflict.[34] After the game was revealed, the preorder rates on the game set records three times higher than for the preorders of the first Black Ops.[35] Critics have noted the trailer's similarities to that of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.[36][37][38] On July 19, 2012 a second trailer was released by Treyarch, offering insight into the game's narrative. The storyline has been described by writer David S. Goyer as "better than a Hollywood movie".[39]

Gameplay revisions

In developing Black Ops II, Treyarch introduced several revisions to the gameplay mechanics for online multiplayer that have been a hallmark of the Call of Duty franchise. These include the introduction of "multi-team" games that allow matches to host three or more teams of players, in counternance to the traditional two factions,[40] and revisions to the "Create-A-Class" function that allows users to create customised characters for use in multiplayer matches.[41] The "Kill Streak" function, which gives players in-game rewards for killing other players, has likewise been revised and will now be known as "Score Streaks". Whereas players still receive in-game rewards, these are unlocked by performing certain actions - such as killing other players, successfully capturing territory, and so on - rather than simply killing other players.[42][43] Furthermore, the "wager matches" feature included in Call of Duty: Black Ops has been removed.[41] These changes were introduced to shift the emphasis towards objective-based gameplay, reward players who work in teams and to make the game more accessible to new players.[42]
In addition to this, Treyarch announced plans to integrate Black Ops II into the world of "eSports" or competitive gaming.[44] To this end, Treyarch unveiled a matchmaking system designed to pair players up based on their skills within the game to ensure that online games are relatively equal in terms of player skill. They also announced what they termed "CODcasting", a form of live streaming that allows users to stream their games directly onto YouTube from their gaming consoles.[44]


Black Ops II features the voices of Sam Worthington as Alex Mason, Michael Keaton as Jason Hudson (taking over from Ed Harris), James C. Burns voices Frank Woods, Gary Oldman reprises his role as Viktor Reznov from World at War and Black Ops in a brief cameo, Andrew Divoff returns as the voice of Lev Kravchenko and Robert Picardo voices Erik Breighner.


[hide] Reception
Aggregate scores
GameRankings(X360) 85.88%[45]
(PS3) 82.00%[46]
(PC) 71.00%[47]
Metacritic(X360) 83/100[48]
(PS3) 82/100[49]
(PC) 78/100[50]
Review scores
Game Informer8.5/10[52]
IGN(X360) 9.3/10[54]
Official PlayStation Magazine(UK)8/10[55]
Official Xbox Magazine8.5/10[56]
Official Xbox Magazine (UK)8/10[57]
Call of Duty: Black Ops II has received generally positive reviews from critics. IGN editor Anthony Gallegos describes the game as "a good example of how to evolve an annualized franchise."[54] Gallegos praised the game for telling a story that he felt was genuinely interesting and creating a villain that he empathised with to the point where he started questioning his own actions over the course of the story. Gallegos directed criticisms at theartificial intelligence of allies in Strike Force mode, pointing out that he often had to direct them to one corner of the battlefield and then do everything himself in order to pass the missions; and at the ending of the campaign mode, which he felt was disappointing, even when he was aware that the outcome was directly influenced by the choices he made.
Dan Ryckert of Game Informer was equally critical as Gallegos of the artificial intelligence of Strike Force mode, and was unimpressed by the "Pick Ten" system introduced to multiplayer modes, noting that it was "interesting, but ultimately less exciting" than the system used in previous Call of Duty titles.[52] Like Gallegos before him, Ryckert praised the narrative and structure of the single-player campaign, introducing changes that he felt were overdue and noting that the branching storylines "had me talking to others about their experiences in a way I had never done before with this [Call of Duty] series".